Kermanshah Facts and Figures
Geographical status:
Longitude: 47, 4
Latitude: 34, 18
Altitude: 1322 m above sea level
Average annual temperature: 14/0 degree
Diagram for mean annual temperature(1994) of Kermanshah
Hottest month: August with 29/8 degree
coldest month: December with 2/6 degree
Average annual precipitation: 456 mm
Maximum precipitation in one day: 29 mm
Average relation humidity: morning: %62 noon: %37
Average number of freezing day: 89 day
Population(1996): 843125
Tagh - e - Bostan
Only nine kilometers from Kermanshah city, there is Tagh -
e - Bostan village with signs left in it from the
Sassanid period (266 - 651 AD).
One such sign is the coronation of the Sassanid kings which
has been demonstrated on the rocks. On the left
side of the reception of Artaxerxes the second's coronation,
there exist two vaults, a smaller one and a bigger
one which belong to the Sassanids. The first vault which is
the small one has been carved in the mountain
during the reign of Shapur and includes two relief sculptures
and two inscriptions in the Sassanid Pahlavi.
According to the inscriptions the two pictures belong to Shapur
the second. The smaller vault is of greater
significance since the two inspcriptions have remained intact
from events and act as introductions to the
demonstrations of the vault.
The bigger vault which contains more demonstrations and delicate
carvings, has attracted the attention of
historians. The mouth of the bigger vault is 7.4 meters, it
is 7.17 meters deep and 9 meters high. This bigger
vault belongs to the era of Khosrow the second known as Parviz.